Just a reminder...You can find the link to our PTC meeting and other meetings on our HAWK HUB. Our PTC meeting starts in just 5 minutes! https://sites.google.com/hesperiausd.org/hollyvaleinnovationacademy/parent-committees?authuser=0
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Good Morning! The staff member who is waking you up today is new to our school. Her name is Mrs. Henderson who is our speech teacher. Check her out! https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=MzViZWFlMjcxMGFhZDIxZTgyMDJhNTZiNWVkNzZhYmU
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
ELAC Meeting Important: Please note the time change for the first ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) Mtg. It will be at 1:00 pm on September 28th. Reunión de ELAC Importante: Tenga en cuenta el cambio de hora para la primera reunión de ELAC (Comité Asesor del Idioma Inglés). Será a las 13:00 horas del 28 de septiembre.
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Elementary School
ELAC Meeting
Hello Hollyvale Families!! All of us here at Hollyvale wanted to say THANK YOU!!! We see so many of you attending meetings with your children or getting them ready to join their online lessons. We really appreciate all you do to help make distance learning a success!!! HOLLYVALE FAMILIES ARE THE BEST!!!!
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hat Day: Hey Hollyvale Hawks! For Spirit Day this Friday, September 18th it will be Hat Day! Wear your favorite hat, a crazy hat or be creative and make one! We can't wait to see your hat! Don't forget to post a picture to Hollyvale's Social Media.
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Elementary School
Hat Day
Congratulations to all of August's exemplary Students of the Month! Check them out on our Student of the Month Page.... https://bit.ly/3bPyOyt
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
It'sTime!!! Get Up, Brush your teeth and we will see you in the morning meeting! https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=MzFhZTBjM2RmOThhZmM0NGM4OWNkNjU3MDllYWU5ZjA
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Good Morning! This wake up call is so creative! Click on the link...https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=YjJhNzNjMzA5NTVmMzljY2MxMTRkODdlYWUyZDJmM2I
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Dear Families, We would like to invite you to attend our first ELAC, English Learner Advisory Committee, meeting. ELAC is A school-level committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise school officials on English learner programs and services. We will be collecting names of parents who would be interested in being an ELAC officer. We hope to see you there. We will send out reminders but we wanted to give you time to plan to attend. Queridas familias, Nos gustaría invitarlo a asistir a nuestra primera reunión de ELAC, Comité Asesor de Aprendices de Inglés. ELAC es Un comité a nivel escolar compuesto por padres, personal y miembros de la comunidad designados para asesorar a los funcionarios escolares sobre los programas y servicios para estudiantes de inglés. Recopilaremos nombres de padres que estarían interesados ​​en ser oficiales de ELAC. Esperamos verte ahí. Enviaremos recordatorios, pero queríamos darle tiempo para planificar su asistencia.
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Elementary School
ELAC Meeting
Today we have 3 staff members waking you up.... Can you guess who??? https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=M2IxN2NjNWY1N2JkYjM3ZmZiNGQ5YjEyMTk5ZTAyZTE
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Who is waking you up today? Click the Link and find out... https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=OTE0NzUwN2NlYzI5YmM2YzJjZWY0MTNiMGQ4ZmMxYzA
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Good Morning! Can you guess who is waking you up today? Use the link to find out... https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=NGVkMGZlZTgyNDU0YTJjYzRjNDBlZTIyN2ZmNTFlOTc
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, We are looking to add another member to our school's SSC. If you or someone you know would like to participate please take a moment to fill out the following form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciVXK5FqgdYDPMBGu3SIe3qGX5mBL1zYuaotgkt44fcsgTDw/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Happy Monday Hollyvale Hawks and families! Here are our school wide behavior expectations for Distance Learning. All teachers will be sharing these as well. Your teacher will explain in more detail what each behavior looks like. Have a Hawktastic Day!
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Elementary School
Behavior Expectations
Good Morning! Time to get up and get ready. Don't forget today is Wacky Wednesday! https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=YTc0OGE2ZGU2MmE0Y2QyZjQzZDgxNmU3MmM1YzhlMzc
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
WOW! We have made it through the first 7 days of distance learning. Parents and Caregivers..THANK YOU!! You are doing an amazing job supporting our teachers and students. We wanted to remind all of you that we have our Distance Learning Hub still with helpful information... https://sites.google.com/hesperiausd.org/hollyvaleinnovationacademy/home Students, keep up the great work and stay motivated.
over 3 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy